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Islam's role in the development of science and technology is basically there are 2 (two).First, make the Aqeedah of Islam as a paradigm of science. This paradigm is supposed to have Muslims, not the secular paradigm of what they are today. This paradigm states that Islam Islamic Aqeedah premises shall be used (QAA € ™ Idah fikriyah) for the entire building science. This is not meant to be Islamic Aqeedah as the source of all kinds of knowledge, but the standard for all scienceof knowledge. Then science is in accordance with the Islamic Aqeedah is acceptable and practiced, is a on the contrary, shall be rejected and should not be practiced. Secondly, making the Islamic Sharia (Islamic Aqeedah born) as a standard for the utilization of science and technology in everyday life. Standards or criteria that should be used Muslims, instead of the standard benefits (Pragmatism / utilitarianism) as they are today. Islamic standards are set, that may or not utilization of science and technology, based on the provisions of halal-haram (Islamic sharia laws). Muslims should harness science and technology, if it had been permitted by Islamic Sharia. Conversely, if an aspect of science and technology have been forbidden by Sharia, the Muslims should not use it, even if it yields benefits to meet the instantaneous human needs.IntroductionDevelopment of science and technology (science) on the one hand was a positive impact, which can improve quality of human life. A variety of modern industrial facilities, communications, and transportation, for example, proved very useful. With the invention of the sewing machine, in one minute can be done around 7000 sewing needle prick. Compare if you sew by hand, only 23 punctures per minute (Qaradawi, 1997). Formerly the Queen Isabella (Spain) in the sixteenth century it took five months to the traditional means of communication for news the discovery of America by Columbus (?). Then in the nineteenth century Europeans need 2 weeks to get the news assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. But in 1969, with advanced means of communication, the world just needs time 1.3 seconds to find out the news of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon (Winarno, 2004). First people on the pilgrimage to ships could take 17-20 days to get to Jeddah. Now with a plane, we only to 12 hours. Subhanallahâ € |But on the other hand, often have a negative impact of science and technology for harming and endangering the lives and dignity humans. Atom bomb has killed hundreds of thousands of people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. In 1995, Elizabetta, an Italian baby, born from the womb of his mother's aunt after two years (named Luigi) died. Ovum and sperm of the original parents, it has been stored at â € Å“bankâ € • and then just left with her aunt, Elenna brother Luigi (Reuters, 01/16/1995). IVF in the West can run even if the origin of sperm and artificially inseminated himself instead of husband and wife (Hadipermono, 1995). Biotechnology can be used to transform microorganisms that have been dangerous, becoming more dangerous, such as changing the genetic properties of influenza virus to be able to kill humans within a few minutes (Bakry, 1996). Animal cloning is successful pilot Ian Willmut produce cloned sheep named Dolly, recently applied to human beings (human cloning).Environment like the sea, atmospheric air, and forests are also no less prone to damage and pollution is very severe and dangerous. Several variants of genetically modified food crops is also indicated harmful to human health. No few are utilizing Internet technology as a means to conduct cyber crimes (cyber crime) and to access pornography, violence, and gambling.Here, the role of religion as a way of life becomes very important to be visited again.Can religion provide guidance so that we obtain the positive impact of science and technology, while eliminating the negative impact semiminal possible? How far can religion play a role in controlling the development of technology modern? This paper aims to explain the role of Islam in the development and utilization of these technologies.Relations Religion-Science paradigmTo clarify, will mention first some basic understanding. Science (science) is the knowledge about natural phenomena that are obtained through a process called the scientific method (scientific method) (Jujun S. Suriasumantri, 1992). Being technology is the knowledge and skills which is the application of science knowledge in everyday human life (Jujun S. Suriasumantri, 1986). Development of science and technology, is the result of all the steps and ideas to broaden, deepen, and develop science and technology (Agus, 1999). Religion what is meant here, is the religion of Islam, the religion that is revealed to the Prophet of Allah Muhammad Saw, to regulate human relationship with the Creator (with faith and conviction and the rules of worship), the human relations with itself (with the rules of morality, food, and clothing), and human relationships with other human (With all rules and uqubat € ™ amalah / penal system) (An-Nabhani, 2001).How does the relationship between religion and science and technology? Broadly speaking, based on a review of the underlying ideology of the relationship both, there are 3 (three) types of paradigms (see Yahya Farghal, 1990: 99-119):First, paradagima secular, that is a paradigm that sees religion and science are separate from each other. Because, in the ideology of Western secularism, religion has been separated from the life (al-din fashl â € ~ an al-hayah). Religion not denied its existence, but only a limited role in human personal relationship with god.Religion not regulate public life / public. This paradigm of looking at religion and science can not interfere and others intervened. Religion and science and technology is completely separate both ontological (relating to understanding or nature of something), epistemological (relating to ways of gaining knowledge), and axiological (relating by applying knowledge).This paradigm reaches maturity at the end of the nineteenth century in the West as a way out of the contradictions of Christianity (Especially the Bible text) with the invention of modern science. Christianity was originally used as the standard truth of science. But there are many Bible verses that contradict and is not relevant to the facts of science of knowledge. For example, according to official church teachings, the earth was flat like a table with four corners. When in fact, the earth is round based on scientific findings obtained from the Magellan's voyage. The Bible says:Later than that, I saw four angels standing at the four winds of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that there be no wind blowing on the land, or sea, or in a tree-pohon.â € • (Rev-Rev 7:1)If consistent with the Bible text, the fact of science that the Earth is round would have to be defeated by the Bible text (Adian Husaini, West Why Being Secular-Liberal, This makes no sense and problematic. Thus, in order not problematic, Christianity and science finally split from each other and each other should not intervene.Second, socialist paradigm, that paradigm of socialist ideology, which denies the existence of religion at all. Religion does not exist, boxes, there is no connection and nothing to do with science and technology. Science and technology can be run independently and totally separated from religion. This paradigm is similar to the above secular paradigm, but more extreme. In paradigm of secular, religious sekularistik function, which is not denied its existence, but only limited role in the vertical relationship of man-god. Being in a socialist paradigm, religion is seen as atheistic, which is considered to be absent (in-exist) and removed entirely from life.Paradigm is based on the thoughts of Karl Marx (d. 1883) is an atheist and saw religion (Christianity) as opium of the people, because religion makes men he drugged and oblivious to the oppression of capitalism cruel. Karl Marx said: Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of the heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people.(Religion is the jeremiads of the oppressed creature, the soul of a soulless world, as it issoul / spirit of the situation without the soul / spirit. Religion is the opium of the people) (See Karl Marx, Contribution to the Critique of Hegelâ € ™ s Philosophy of Right, contained in On Religion, 1957:141-142) (Ramly, 2000: 165-166).Based on this socialist paradigm, religion had nothing to do with science and technology. All building science in the socialist paradigm is based on the basic idea of ​​materialism, especially materialism Dialectical (Yahya Farghal, 1994: 112). Understand Dialectical Materialism is the view of understanding whole process of change that occurs continuously through the dialectical process, namely through the existing pertentanganpertentangan on the material as it contains its own seed perkembanganitu (Ramly, 2000: 110).Third, the paradigm of Islam, the paradigm of the view that religion is the basis and control of life. Aqeedah of Islam the basis of all science. Aqeedah of Islam â € "which is embodied in what is present in al-Qur `an and al-Hadith - a QAA € ™ Idah fikriyah (premise), which is a principle upon which is built the whole edifice of human thought and knowledge (An-Nabhani, 2001).This paradigm is commanded people to build any thoughts on the Islamic Aqeedah, not loose of faith, even. This can be understood from the verse of the first down (meaning):Read it (call) the name of your Lord, menciptakan.â € • (Surat sl-â € ~ Alaq [96]: 1).This verse means that man has been ordered to read in order to obtain a variety of thinking and understanding. But any thoughts that should not be separated from the Islamic Aqeedah, because iqra `be with Bismi rabbika, namely fixed based on faith in God, which is a principle of Islamic Aqeedah (Al-Qasas, 1995: 81).Islamic paradigm states that, the last word in science is not located on the knowledge ornarrow human philosophy, but is in Allah's knowledge which includes and encompasses all things (John Farghal, 1994: 117). Allah SWT says:And the (knowledge) of Allah Almighty Covers all sesuatu.â € • (Surat an-Nisa '[4]: 126).â € Å“Dan true God, His knowledge encompasses all really sesuatu.â € • (Surat ath-THALAQ [65]: 12).That paradigm is taken of the Prophet (d. 632 AD) who put the Islamic Aqeedah berasas La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad the Messenger of Allah as a principle of science. He took first embraced the Islamic Aqeedah, then after that make aqeedah as the foundation and standards for a variety of the knowledge.It can be shown example of an event in the Prophet when a solar eclipse, which coincides with the death His son (Ibrahim). People say, â € Å“Gerhana sun is because the death Ibrahim.â € • It Prophet immediately explained:Indeed lunar and solar eclipses do not occur because of death or birth of a person, but both include the signs of Allah. Allah warns him servants Nyaâ € | â € • [HR. alBukhari and an-Nasa `i] (Al-Baghdadi, 1996: 10).Obviously we know that the Holy Prophet of Islam has laid Aqeedah as basic science, because He explained that the natural phenomenon is a sign of God's existence and power, nothing to do with one's fate. This is in accordance with the Islamic Aqeedah stated in al-Qur `an:â € Å“Sesungguhnya in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day there are signs (The power of God) to people who berakal.â € • (â € ~ Surat Ali 'Imran [3]: 190).This is the paradigm of the Islamic Aqeedah of Islam that makes the basis of all knowledge of a Muslim. Paradigm this is what has scored Muslim-devout and pious Muslim but at the same time in science and technology savvy. That result and the brilliant achievements of the Islamic paradigm that can be seen in the heyday of the Islamic World science and technology between the years 700 â € " 1400 M. During this period the name of Jabir ibn Hayyan known (d. 721) as a famous chemist, Al-Khawarzmi (d. 780) as a mathematician and astronomer, Al-Battani (d. 858) as an astronomer and mathematician, Al-Razi (d. 884) as a medical expert, ophtalmologi, and chemistry, Thabit bin Qurrah (d. 908) as a medicine and engineering, and there are many more (On the triumph of the Islamic World science and technology see for example M. Natsir Arsyad, 1992; Hossein Bahreisj, 1995; House of the CaliphateAhmed et al, 1999; Eugene A. Myers 2003; A. Zahoor, 2003; Gunadi and Shoelhi, 2003).Islamic Aqeedah In Basic ScienceThis is the first role that Islam plays in science and technology, namely the Islamic Aqeedah should be the basis of all concepts and application of science and technology. This is the paradigm of Islam as it has been brought by the Prophet.Islamic paradigm that should be adopted by the Muslims at this time. Not as a secular paradigm there now. Recognized or not, now the Muslims have been mired in an attitude of parrot and follow West in all things; in view of life, lifestyle, including the concept of science. Bercokolnya This secular paradigm that can explain, why in the education system followed by Muslims, taught the pragmatic capitalist economic system and do not know halal haram. The existence of the secular paradigm explains also why it is taught the concept of knowledge as opposed to the belief and faith Muslims. For example, Darwin's theory is false and also contrary to the Islamic Aqeedah.This paradigmatic mistake must be corrected. It certainly needs fundamental change and a complete overhaul. By way of replace the secular paradigm that exists today, with a paradigm that sees that Islam Islamic Aqeedah (not understanding of secularism) that should be used as the basis for building a human science.But here should be understood thoroughly, that when the Islamic Aqeedah is premised science and technology, it does not mean concepts of science and technology have come from al-Qur `an and al-Hadith, but the point is the concept of science and technology should be standardized measure of truth or falsity of the al-Qur `an and al-Hadith and must not conflict with both of them (Al-Baghdadi, 1996: 12).If we make the Aqeedah of Islam as the foundation of science and technology, it does not mean that the science of astronomy, geology, agronomy, and so on, must be based on a particular verse, or a particular tradition. If there is any verse or hadith that match facts of science, it is evidence of breadth of knowledge of God, which includes everything (see Qs. an-Nisa '[4]: 126 and Qs. athThalaq [65]: 12), does not mean the concept of science and technology must be rooted in a particular verse or hadith. For example, in astronomy there is a verse that describes the sun as the radiant light and heat (Surat Noah [71]: 16), that sky (the material universe) comes from the smoke (gas), while the galaxies are created from condensation (concentration) The gas (Surat Fushshilat [41]: 11-12), and so on. There are about 750 verses in the Qur `an al-a of this kind (see Al-Baghdadi, 2005: 113). These verses show how widespread the knowledge of God that covers everything, and a measure of the conclusions of science and technology, it does not mean that the concept of science and technology must be based on certain passages.So, that meant making Aqeedah of Islam as the foundation of science and technology is not that the concept of science and technology shall be sourced to al-Qur `an and al-Hadith, but it is, that science and technology shall be standard on al-Qur` an and al-Hadith. In summary, al-Qur `an and al-Hadith is a standard (miqyas) science and technology, rather than the source (mashdar) science and technology. That is, what also developed the concept of science and technology, must be in accordance with the al-Qur `an and al-Hadith, and must not conflict with al-Qur `an and al-Hadith it. If a concept of science and technology in conflict with al-Qur `an and al-Hadith, the concept it means to be rejected. For example, Darwin's theory which states that humans have evolved from simple organisms evolved over millions of years through natural selection becomes more complex organisms to become modern humans. Mean, people now are not descendants of the first man, Prophet Adam U.S., but the result of the evolution of simple organisms. This contradicts the word of Allah SWT is asserted, Adam The U.S. was the first man, and that all humans today are descendants of Adam, not heredity as fantasy creatures Darwin Theory (Zallum, 2001). Allah SWT says:â € Å“ (He is God) who began the creation of man from dust, then He created the descendants of the essence of water a (sperm). â € • (Surat as-Sajda [32]: 7).â € Å“Hai people, We created you from a male and a female and made you nations and tribes that ye may know each other mengenal.â € • (Surat al-Hujuraat [49]: 13).Another implication of this principle, namely al-Qur `an and al-Hadith is science and technology standards, and not the source of science and technology, is that Muslims should mengambi science and technology from the source of the non-Muslims (infidels). The Prophet used to implement digging a trench around Medina, but the military strategy that comes from the tradition of the Persian Zoroastrian religion. Once the Holy Prophet had also ordered the other two engineering study of the arms to Yemen, but inYemen is the first inhabitants of the Book (Christians). Umar bin Khattab never took administrative systems and collection Baitul Mal (State Treasury), which comes from the Roman Christians. So, they do not conflict with faith and conviction and the Islamic sharia, science and technology can be adopted from the pagans.Utilization of Islamic Sharia Science StandardsThe second role of Islam in the development of science and technology, is that Sharia should be the standard of science and technology utilization. Provision of halal-haram (Islamic sharia laws) shall be used as a measure in the utilization of science and technology, how was also its shape. Science and technology that may be utilized, it is that has been permitted by Islamic law. While science and technology that should not be used, is that Islam has forbidden sharia.Islamic benchmark requirement is based on many verses and hadiths oblige the Muslimadjust their actions (including the use of science and technology) with the law of Allah and His Messenger. Among others the word of God:So by your Lord, they (in effect) do not believe until they make you (Muhammad) as judge in the case that they perselisihkanâ € | â € • (Surat an-Nisa '[4]: 65).Follow what is revealed unto thee from thy Lord, and do not follow leaders selainNyaâ € | [i /] â € • (Surat al-AA € ™ RAAF [7]: 3).Word of the Prophet:Any person who acts in us no command over it, then the act is tertolak.â € • [HR. Muslim].Contrast with this, is what's on the West right now and also Muslim countries that bertaqlid and follow West blindly. Utilization of science and technology according to their standards is a benefit, whether it is called pragmatism or utilitarianism. As long as something is beneficial, that can satisfy human needs, then it is considered true and valid to be implemented. Although it is forbidden in the religion.The existence of the benefits that standards can explain why the West is not to apply science and technology immoral, inhumane, and contrary to religious values. For example, using the atomic bomb to killing hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings, regardless of the use of IVF morality (eg putting embryo in a surrogate mother), clone a human (meaning humans reproduce a-sexually, not sexual), exploit the greedy nature even cause dangerous pollution, and so on.Therefore, it is time that one benefit of standards was corrected and replaced with the correct standard. That is standards derived from the owner of all his scientific knowledge encompasses all things, a very knowing which which is intrinsically beneficial to humans, and which is intrinsically harmful to humans.Standard that is all the commandments and prohibitions of Allah Almighty that looks in a practical and concrete is the Islamic Sharia.

From the above description can be understood, that Islam is the main role in the development of science and technology there are at least 2 (two). First, make the Aqeedah of Islam as a paradigm of thought and science. Thus, the paradigm of Islam, and rather than secular paradigm, which should be taken by the Muslims in building the structure of science. Second, make use of Islamic law as the standard of science and technology. Thus, Islamic law was, instead of the standard benefits (Utilitarianism), which should be used as a measure of Muslims in applying science and technology.source: translation: google translation


  1. this article is very good.....
    i hope moeslim more developed.......


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